Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Rose By Any Other Name...

What is the big deal about last names?  Why do we get so caught up with identifying ourselves with them?  Think of the names Hilton, or Vanderbilt, or Trudeau. Why do we associate anyones actual personality with these inherited titles?

The truth is, I am guilty.  Though I am married I do not have my husband's last name legally. Yes, yes, I see the name we use for the blog, and the name on our personal stationary (Oh, how I do love personalized stationary!) We even go by Olden when we make dinner reservations.  In polite company, to our friends and family, we are the Olden family. However, when I step into my classroom or the doctors office, or the MTO,  I am not an Olden.

I am the last of my family to be a McNiece. My brother, the only male namesake surviving beyond my father, has three girls.  I am the last of the last.  So, for the many people who ask me, "why don't you change your name?" I must confess, for 31 years I have been a McNiece and I have been more proud of that name than I could ever explain.  Do I associate my personality with my inherited title? You bet I do. Both good and bad, I am part of an awesome legacy.

So, my business cards say Ms. E. McNiece.  I am still the proud wife of Mr. D. Olden.  And that rose smells just as sweet!

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